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Monday, 25 October 2021

Flying to India? Know the Updated Guidelines for International Arrivals

Here's where to find the updated guidelines for international arrivals to India.

Updated : 19 July 2023.

Are you visiting India from some other country? Then you'll need to know the updated guidelines for international arrivals in India.

Flying to India? Know the Updated Guidelines for International Arrivals
(Representative image) Photo by yousef alfuhigi on Unsplash

As India opened to foreign tourists after relaxations of COVID restrictions, the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW), Govt. of India, updated its guidelines for international arrivals, that is, guidelines for people travelling from other countries and arriving in India.

The guidelines for international arrivals in India is reviewed by MoHFW, considering the increasing vaccination coverage and the changing nature of the pandemic across the world.

MoHFW says that the guidelines and related documents will be reviewed and updated from time to time based on the risk assessment.

Update : 19 July 2023

On 19th of July 2023, the Union Health Ministry (MoHFW) has further eased the guidelines for international travellers, considering the improving situation and COVID-19 vaccination coverage across the globe.

These new guidelines come into effect from 20th July 2023, 00:00 Hrs (IST). The earlier requirements for RT-PCR based testing of a random 2% subset of international travellers to India, has now been dropped, as per these new guidelines.

However, the earlier COVID-19 precautionary measures to be followed by airlines and international travellers will continue to apply. And as before, if any passenger has symptoms of COVID-19 during travel or passengers found symptomatic during thermal screening on arrival, they will be isolated from other passengers and taken to a designated medical facility as per the standard protocol.

This is just a brief summary. You should view all the updated guidelines and related complete information on the official website of The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW), Govt. of India.

Previous Update : 10 February 2023

The Ministry of Civil Aviation has revised Covid Guidelines for International Travellers.

Earlier requirements of pre-departure Covid-19 testing and uploading self-declaration in Air Suvidha portal is discontinued for passengers in all international flights from or through China, Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea (Republic of Korea), Singapore, and Thailand.

The Ministry of Civil Aviation dropped those earlier requirements considering the sustained and significant deline of Covid-19 cases in those countries in last 4 weeks.

The revised Covid Guidelines for International Travellers is applicable from 11 AM on 13 February 2023.

However, remaining existing Covid guidelines mandated by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW) still apply, such as isolation of passengers having COVID-19 symptoms, ensuring physical distancing while de-boarding, thermal screening, sub-section (2% of the total passengers* in the flight) undergoing random testing at the airport on arrival etc., are still applicable as per their Guidelines for International Arrivals document dated 10th February, 2023.

This is just a brief summary. You should view all the updated guidelines and related information on the official website of The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW), Govt. of India.

You can also find Covid-19 updates and about the domestic and international travel guidelines on the Covid-19 updates page of New Delhi Airport website.

Earlier Update : 29 December 2022

In the latest update to the guidelines dated 29 December 2022, The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW), Govt. of India, has announced that RT-PCR test is mandatory for passengers from China, Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea, Singapore, and Thailand, from 1st January 2023.

Passengers from these countries will have to submit self-declaration form on the online Air Suvidha portal before their scheduled travel, including their travel details of last 14 days. This is in addition to the random testing of 2% of all International Passengers on their arrival to India.

This is just a brief summary. You should view all the updated guidelines and related information on the official website of The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW), Govt. of India.

You can also find Covid-19 updates and about the domestic and international travel guidelines on the Covid-19 updates page of New Delhi Airport website.

Earlier Update : 22 December 2022

The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW), Govt. of India, has once again revised its Guidelines for International Arrivals, considering the increasing numbers of COVID-19 cases in some countries across the world.

These new guidelines dated 22 December 2022 will be valid with effect from Saturday the 24th of December 2022, 10.00 Hrs IST. As usual, these new guidelines applies to all international travellers and all points of entry to India -- that is, the airports, seaports, and land borders.

These new guidelines set updated protocols on physical distancing, thermal screening, wearing of masks, isolation of COVID symptomatic passengers, etc. It also states that 2% of the total passengers arriving in a flight will be randomly tested on arrival at the airport. While this exempts children under 12 years of age, if they're found symptomatic then they shall undergo testing and treatment as per protocol.

This is just a brief summary. You should view all the updated guidelines and related information on the official website of The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW), Govt. of India.

Earlier Update : 22 November 2022

The Ministry of Civil Aviation, Government of India, announced on 21st of November 2022 that it is no longer required to submit a self-declaration form on the AirSuvidha portal.

The guidelines of MoHFW which required submission of self-declaration form on the AirSuvidha portal is discontinued considering the sustained decline of COVID-19 and due to significant advances in vaccination coverage in India and across the world.

The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW) has revised its earlier Guidelines for International Arrivals and has published updated guidelines on their official website.

These newly updated guidelines are dated 21st November 2022 and they will be valid with effect from 22nd November 2022 till further orders. These new guidelines for international arrivals will supersede earlier guidelines. All international travellers as well as points of entry to India (airports, seaports, and land border) have to comply to these new guidelines.

Where to find these updated guidelines?

Announcements to changes on these guidelines are made on the official websites and social media handles of MoHFW (Ministry of Health and Family Welfare) and MoCA (Ministry of Civil Aviation), Government of India.

Links to the updated guidelines can also be found under the Travel Advisories tab in the Resources section on the official MOHFW website.

On the official MoHFW website, under the Resources section, see the Travel Advisories section, you should find the latest updated guidelines there along with the dates.

These updated guidelines may be in the PDF format on the MoHFW website. So, depending on your web browser and its settings, they may either open in the browser or the guidelines files may get downloaded to your device.

Important : As these guidelines are subject to change from time to time, you need to keep yourself updated before planning your travel.

Keep yourself updated

As the guidelines for international arrivals are subject to be reviewed and changed from time to time, you should visit the official websites or social media handles of MoHFW or MoCA for the latest guidelines for international arrivals.

Earlier guidelines were also posted to their official websites and any future updates or changes to the guidelines will also be posted there; so, you may want to bookmark their website or social media handles, in case you need it in the future.

Earlier, international arrivals required filling and submitting of self-declaration form on the AirSuvidha portal. The latest aforementioned order by the ministry makes this no longer required.

India opened to foreign tourists post COVID restrictions

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, all visas granted to foreigners were suspended. Considering the easing COVID situation in India, the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) began granting fresh Tourist Visas to foreigners coming to India through chartered flights earlier since the 15th of October 2021.

It was also announced that foreign tourists travelling to India by flights other than chartered aircraft would be able to do so on fresh tourist visas, from 15th of November in 2021.

[1] Ministry of Civil Aviation (MoCA), Govt. of India.
[2] MoHFW - Travel Advisories - MoHFW - Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW), Govt. of India.
[3] Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) to begin granting fresh Tourist Visas to foreigners coming to India - Ministry of Home Affairs, on Press Information Bureau.

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