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General Disclaimer

(Disclaimer for the information provided on

We make best possible efforts to provide useful information on a given place/location we come across in our travels, for your benefit. We review and provide information and tips about a variety of products useful while travelling.

We make best possible efforts to keep the information we provide accurate, as far as rationally possible. But despite our best efforts, some discrepancies or errors might creep in, and hence we give no guarantee for the information we provide.

Please remember that you are solely responsible for verifying and using the information provided in You are solely responsible for any kind of liabilities, damages or losses occurring from following the information provided on

Moreover, some information such as the details of roads, entry fee, visit timings and even accessibility to certain places are liable to change over time, and may not be the same as the time of our visit or as on the date of the publication. Even though we continuously keep reviewing and updating anything that has changed over time, it cannot be guaranteed. If you find any information posted on this website outdated, erroneous or which you think may be misleading, you can notify us through our Contact Us page, by highlighting and briefly explaining the error and the link to that web page. The issue will be dealt as soon as possible, and the errors will be corrected after our review. We appreciate and acknowledge your efforts of notifying us by bringing any errors to our knowledge.

We may also mention or review or provide some details of a place of stay or any other kind of accommodation we take, the restaurants or eateries where we had food, or any recreational places we've been to, during our travels and journeys. Such mentions and reviews on our website do not imply endorsements or any kind of affiliations, and they are not advertisements. We do not get paid in cash, or any other kind of favour for such mentions or inclusions. They are just part of our overall travel experience.

We may provide reviews, tips of use or information regarding a product or a software application, for example, a travel app, a camera, or some other device or application, or some product used in travelling or a product useful in travel such as a bag, mosquito repellent, etc., in our posts or articles. We provide these reviews and information only as a convenience and help to you and they are not promotional campaigns of any sort for the apps or products that we review, and do not imply endorsements.

We make such mentions and reviews only for your convenience and we cannot guarantee that they'd exactly work out the same way for you. This is because we do not own or control any of them or to any changes to them or their services, and we're also not affiliated in any way with any of them.

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