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Thursday, 8 February 2024

Deadline to complete KYC for FASTag extended till 29th of February 2024

And GPS-based toll collection is also being planned to be implemented for a barrierless tolling system.

Toll plaza - Representative image
Representative Image. A toll Plaza in Bengaluru, from our archives.

As per the latest information by the Ministry of Road Transport & Highways, Govt. of India, they've extended the deadline for completion of KYC for FASTags with incomplete KYC.

Now FASTags with incomplete KYC are liable to be blacklisted by the issuing banks beyond 29 February 2024. The earlier deadline of 31st January 2024 has been extended as 100% compliance was not achieved.

As per a tweet by NHAI (National Highways Authority of India), users can visit or to update your FASTag's KYC.

Also, it was informed that the government has appointed a consultant to provide advisory services on implementation of new technologies like Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) for a barrier-less free-flow tolling system. GNSS based Electronic Toll Collection (ETC) System is being planned to be initially implemented at selected sections of National Highways on a pilot basis as an added facility along with the existing FASTag tolling system.

National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) is encouraging FASTag users with incomplete KYC to complete their ‘Know Your Customer’ (KYC) process as per RBI Guidelines.

The government aims to minimise the misuse of FASTags with their recent One Vehicle One FASTag initiative. This action has been taken after reports of FASTag issued to one vehicle was carried in different vehicles without fixing it on the windscreen of the vehicle, which also resulted in deduction of toll fees even when the original vehicle had not crossed the toll plaza.

One Vehicle One FASTag initiative aims to increase the efficiency and strengthen the Electronic Toll Collection by reducing transaction processing delays, removing large volume of inactive or blacklisted FASTags from the system, preventing unauthorised use of FASTags that are not affixed to the vehicle windscreen, enhancing overall reliability of the system by minimising chances of misuse of some other vehicle’s FASTag and other fraudulent activities, and to create a unique identifier of a vehicle for the purpose of tolling.

The guidelines as issued by RBI (Reserve Bank of India) for Know Your Customer (KYC) Direction, issued in 2016 and updated as on January 04, 2024, is applicable to all Prepaid Payment Instruments (PPI) including FASTag customers.

NHAI, through their recent initiative, aims to make the FASTag system 100% KYC compliant to avoid inconvenience to travellers at toll plazas.

  • GPS-based toll collection - Ministry of Road Transport & Highways, PIB - Press Information Bureau of India, Govt. of India. Posted On: 08 FEB 2024 4:15PM by PIB Delhi

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