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Search Tools and Tips for Trayaan

Search Tips

Using the basic search tool

You can find a search box on top-right side of every page on Trayaan.

  • Use short and specific keywords or search terms, for example : Bengaluru, Mumbai, Karnataka Temples, etc.
  • Search keywords can be a single word or a combination of words. Do not use too many words or long sentences.
  • If you don't find any results, please check the spelling of what you typed. In case of some places or words, you may have to retry your search with alternate spellings.
  • On our search results page, the results are ordered by relevance by default. You may choose to toggle the search results order by newest if you wish to. Please note that by newest only orders the results as per the originally published dates and not by the updated dates of the posts.
  • Use our search box which is on every page on this website. On desktop, you can find the search box at both the top and bottom of the each page.
  • On mobile devices, tap on the search button found on the top-right corner of the top navigation bar to open the search box. If the top navigation bar is not seen, then scroll a little bit upwards and it should appear.

Using Search Operators

For further fine-tuning search results on Trayaan, you may use special search operators directly in our common search box which is there on any page, that is the search option in the top-right of every page on Trayaan. Here are some examples below.

Filter results by topic

For searching only within a specific topic or category, use the following syntax in our main search box found on the top-right side of every page (in both desktop as well as mobile) or the one at the bottom of the page in desktop. You don't need to use our label operator in case of the Filtered Search above on this page, as the specific topics search options will take care of that.

  • label: followed by category name in quotes and followed by a space and then your search term Do not put a space between label and : "topic name". The proper way to use this operator is label:"Topic Name" and then one space after it, and then comes your search terms. See below examples for an illustration.
    • For example, use label:"Travel Tips" best practices in the search box where "Travel Tips" in quotes is the category name, and best practices is your search term. Don't forget to use quotes " " and proper capitalisation of words for category name. And use a space between category name and your search term. Main category names are listed below and all category names are listed in our Archives under the heading All Topics.
    • Note that while capitalisation is required for category name, the search term need not be capitalised.

Excluding words from your search

To exclude one word or words from your search, use a - in front of each word that you want to be excluded from searching.
For example, use nature destination -beach in the search box to exclude posts with beach in your results.

Searching for any of the words

If you want to search posts which has either one word OR the other, use a | between the words without using a space.

For example, use temple|beach|lake to list posts which may have either one or more of these words in it. That is, the search results will display a post if it has even one of those three words in it and even though it may or may not have the other words.

Searching in the title only

(Note: This is not recommended when searching generally).
When you search anything on Trayaan, it searches for the words you entered in the search box through entire articles. If you want to search for words in the article titles only, then use the title: search operator. See following example.

For example, use title:"uttar pradesh" in the search box, to search for that in titles only. We however do not recommend using this for a general search and use it only when you really need it, because the words that you may be looking for, may be within an article but may not be mentioned in the title.

For example, an article about a place in Karnataka may not always have Karnataka mentioned in the title but will be mentioned in the rest of the article and such articles at wouldn't be listed in the search results if you used the title operator.

More Search Tools

Visit our Advanced Search page for easy-to-use advanced search options.

Advanced Search Tips

Do not use search operators in our Advanced Search tool. Search term or words in advanced search box is similar to that our regular search box except that you don't need to use search operators in the search box as the advanced search tool provides an easy-to-use user-friendly interface for that.

Advanced Search Input Options

In our advanced search tool, use the input options that you want and leave the others blank.

There are 3 input options in our advanced search tool.

  • Opt.1. Search for ALL the WORDS (Required) :
    You may use one or more words. Pages with all these words will be displayed in results. If you want to omit this option, then just enter a single space in the box.
  • Opt.2. WORDS to Exclude from search (optional):
    Enter one or more words that should not be searched. If a page contains these words then it won't be displayed in results. Use only spaces between the words.
  • Opt.3. Search for ANY of the WORDS (optional):
    Enter two or more words that should be searched. Pages with any one of the words will be displayed in results. Use only spaces between the words. Example: roads railways waterways.

Use a word or multiple words in the search inputs. Use only spaces to separate the words. Please use proper spellings in the inputs. Any search on this site always matches the exact words (that is, it won't adjust for spelling differences or mistakes), but it is not case-sensitive (capitalisation of words does not matter). Try searching again with alternate spellings for names and places. (For example: bangalore, bengaluru, mudabidri, moodabidri, train, trains, etc.).

Advanced Search Filtering Options

You can filter your search results by using these options. Selecting them is optional and default settings will be used if you don't select any of them. The available filters are :

  • Sorting search results by Relevance or by Newest first
  • Number of search results in the page
  • Filtering your search results by a specific topic.
    Using this option, you can choose to search in a specific topic only. The default is search all topics.

There is another option of where to look for the search terms :

  • Search term appearing anywhere in the page (Recommended).
    This is the default and recommended option. This will search for your input words throughout the page and display search results based on that.
  • Search term appearing in title of the page only (Not recommended)
    This considers Opt.1 only, that is, for Search for ALL the WORDS. This will not consider other search input options. Use this only when it is really needed. We do not recommend using this option because the words that you may be looking for, may be within an article but may not be mentioned in the title. This helps in very specific cases only, so use only when really required. This also considers your input as a phrase instead of separate words.

Visit our Advanced Search page for using the advanced search options.

Filtered Search

This is a simple search option with filters.

Search with or without filters

Just enter your search term in the search box below and then choose either Search All for a full site search or any one of the Topics below that.

Sort Search Results

Number of results per page

Search full site :

Search in specific topic only :

Filtered Search Tips

Using the above filtered search tools on this page, you can fine-tune your search for the following:

  • To view the available search options, click/tap on the View Sorting Tools (optional) buttons and choose whether you want to sort results by relevance or by newest.
  • For searching all topics or full site, use the Search All button.
  • For searching within a specific topic or category only, use one of the topic buttons.
  • You may further fine-tune your search by using search operators. See above search operators tips for instructions on using search operators in the search box.

In addition to that,

  • You may try looking in our Sitemap or our Archives.
  • If you still don't find what you're looking for, don't worry. We keep updating our blog regularly with new content. You may subscribe to our Free Email Newsletters to stay updated or just Bookmark or save our Homepage link and do check back later.

Main categories: